Program Saturday

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Intro Quiz

The Haarlem Vinyl Festival edition of the coziest pop quiz in the Netherlands.

The principle is simple: 8 rounds with 10 fragments each. Guess which song it is and score as many points as possible. 1 point for each correctly guessed artist and 1 point for each correctly guessed title. The person with the most points wins the round.

There are also 1 or 2 rounds that deviate from the intros. The entire evening will be hosted by quizmaster Branco.

Please note! The tickets are per table. Maximum of 5 people per table, but fewer is of course also possible.

Intro Quiz
Date: Saturday September 28th, 20.15
Venue: PHIL (PHIL Café)
Tickets: This quiz is sold-out.

De gezelligste popquiz van Nederland
Het principe is simpel: 8 rondes met 10 fragmenten. Raad welk nummer het is en haal zoveel mogelijk punten. 1 punt voor elke goed geraden artiest en 1 punt voor elke goed geraden titel. Diegene met de meeste punten wint de ronde.

Ook zitten er 1 of 2 rondes bij die afwijken van de intro's. De hele avond wordt gepresenteerd door quizmaster Branco.

Let op! De tickets zijn per tafel. Maximaal 5 mensen per tafel, maar minder mag natuurlijk ook.

Date: 28·09
Time: 20:15 - 00:00
Location: PHIL
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