Program Friday

Type event:

Celine Cairo

The Amsterdam-born singer/songwriter creates lush pop songs where subtle electronics and acoustic instruments intertwine with layered, personal lyrics.

Themes that run like a thread through her repertoire are love, nature, and our sometimes complex relationships, with others and ourselves. She has released two albums and three EPs and has collaborated with international producers such as Fink, Tim Bran (London Grammar, Birdy), and Bill Lefler (Ingrid Michaelson, Joshua Radin), with her band always playing a prominent role.

Her deep love for music is not only evident in her unique songwriting but also in her enchanting live sound, which she has enriched and deepened over the years with her regular band. Her independently released songs have been used in various American series and streamed almost 30 million times.

At this year's Haarlem Vinyl Festival, visitors can get a more in-depth story about her inspiration by listening as she plays at PHIL on Friday. Cairo will also be appearing on Sunday with a bag full of the music she listened to while growing up. She'll be discussing the records she and her parents loved, plus a selection of more contemporary tunes that are currently rocking her world. She'll also be discussing her own music and explaining the influences that have helped her sound to evolve over the years.

Celine Cairo
Date: Friday September 27th, 21.00
Venue: PHIL (Kleine Zaal)
Tickets: from €25,- available here.

Info for Haarlem Vinyl Festival ticket holders
This event is accessible for Weekend Pass holders (limited capacity), available here.

De geboren Amsterdamse singer/songwriter maakt weelderige popliedjes waarin subtiele elektronica en akoestische instrumenten verweven worden met gelaagde, persoonlijke teksten. 

Thema's die als een rode draad door haar repertoire lopen zijn de liefde, de natuur en onze soms complexe relaties, met anderen en onszelf. Ze bracht eerder twee albums en drie EP's uit en werkte samen met internationale producers als Fink, Tim Bran (London Grammar, Birdy) en Bill Lefler (Ingrid Michaelson, Joshua Radin), waarin haar band altijd een prominente rol speelde.

Haar grote liefde voor muziek uit zich niet alleen in haar eigenzinnige songwriting, maar inmiddels ook in haar betoverende live-sound, die ze met haar vaste band door de jaren verrijkte en verdiepte. Haar in eigen beheer uitgebrachte songs werden in verschillende Amerikaanse series gebruikt en al bijna 30 miljoen keer gestreamed.

Info voor Haarlem Vinyl Festival kaartkopers
Dit event is toegankelijk voor mensen met een Weekend Pass bandje, verkrijgbaar via deze link.


Date: 27·09
Time: 21:00 - 00:00
Location: PHIL
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